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HÄ“sion Guide System® (HGS) is an easy and intuitive interface for drivers to park in a specific spot quickly and safely. Integrated into Stinger®, HGS enables docking to happen in minutes and no guessing.
Watch the video to see how quickly a driver is able to place the ready-mix truck in the required position for Stinger®.

Site requirements are as follows:
480VAC, 35A, 60HZ Power
Fresh or Recycled Water Supply with 3-inch Cam Lock Fitting
Outfall Area for Drum Water Discharge
A minimum of a 2-meter x 5.5-meter space behind the truck washing location
14 meters of Overhead Clearance
With power and water supplied, Stinger® can be installed, calibrated, and running in less than a day*.
* depending on the number of trucks programmed for Stinger®

Once a ready-mix truck is docked, Stinger® will complete the washout process in 4 minutes. The unique, patented design is the only washout system that can reach all areas of the ready-mix drum without modifications to the chute or hopper. No more safety hazards associated with climbing onto the truck, dismantling the hopper, or exposure to silica.

^ Stinger® is calibrated for each truck to ensure a safe and quick washout process.
< See immediate results from the thorough cleaning. Add Serum® for added protection against buildup.
Stinger® includes a smart monitoring system that tracks data, from which truck is arriving, when, how long it took; to water volume, pressure, mixture, and machine conditions.
Access the data online in real-time and utilize the data for verification and validation.
Stinger® can also include a video monitoring feed that enables monitoring of the conditions inside the drum during the washout process.
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